Creative Tribe Update & Invitation

New things coming right up!

Watch this short video update

Post your review on Amazon (or wherever you ordered yours!) and send me the screenshot to get the immediate “Creative Tribe Only” discount for the  Gathering of the Creatives Online in April … plus access to more upcoming developments!

P.S. If you already posted a review, just grab a screenshot of it and send it over

* NOTE: feel intimidated by writing a review? Just a sentence or two is perfect! If you feel like writing about any shifts of perspective or personal “ahas” you’ve had, that’s always great. 🙂 


Based on lessons from The Creative Cure, this mini-course will provide a framework for …

  • self-discovery
  • values work
  • and step-by-step instructions for developing a transformative creative practice


As a member of the beta-group, you will get full (no-cost!) access to this and help us fine-tune it before we offer it to the general public!

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Jacob Nordby & Manifesto Publishing House, Inc.

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Drop me a quick line if you have any questions, need help, or just want to reach out to me

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